
If anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. - 2 Timothy 2:21 (ESV)

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:19 (ESV)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Beginning the New Normal

The twins prayed the first night home. Or so it seemed. We were able to come home Thursday afternoon, August 7th, after a three-night stay at the hospital. Stef's mom, Shari, was watching the older three kids and decided to stay Thursday night to help Stef with the twins. While getting Sylvia and Sullivan ready for bed and within minutes of each other, the twins both perfectly interlocked their fingers together in front of their chests as if they were saying a prayer. Stef said she never saw a newborn do that. It was as if they were saying, "Hey Mom, we know what this is all about." I guess that only makes sense. The amount of prayers that have been uttered for them and their family these past months have been innumerable. And that's only counting the times people have told us they're praying! We know there have been so many prayers whispered and spoken for us that we don't even know about. Among all the things that have transpired recently in our lives, this fact remains in the forefront.

On Monday, August 18th, the twins will be two weeks old. They are doing great! There was a little bit of concern that Sylvia lost too much weight initially, but she's gained since then and she's been eating very good.

As far as how crazy it is around here with twins, well, there's two of them. That's really the best way to explain it. Sorry to be so obvious, but it's like taking care of two babies at the same time. Stef is amazing (which I already knew.) I mean, that's why I married her and why I'm the luckiest man alive, but she never stops amazing me. She is recovering quickly and figuring out innovative ways to make twin-rearing efficient. She's always loved babies, so she's soaking in every moment and enjoying having newborns around. It's fun to see their personalities come out already. Sullivan is very laid back and just kind of chills. Sylvia is a little more rambunctious and moves a lot. She is the fussier of the two, but she loves snuggling with her mama.

As for me, I returned to work this past Monday. I'm mainly doing office work as I am on lifting restrictions. I'm feeling good. It's been good to get back into work as things get back to normal at home, well, the new normal.

I keep telling people it's good to be on this side of things. We're through the surgeries, the twins are here and healthy, and Reeve has remained healthy. We are continually praising God for his goodness!


  1. They are so precious! Thankful that you all are healthy right now!

  2. oh my goodness...they are doll babies. :D
